Areas of Practice
Power of Attorney
The power of attorney is the power to represent and it is conferred by the relevant legal transaction. With the power of attorney, which is based on the will of the represented, the grantee may attempt legal transactions for the grantor of the power of attorney.
The power of attorney in Greece is granted by unilateral transaction without the need of the grantee’s acceptance, which is required to be addressed to the grantee. He who grants the power of attorney in Greece must have legal capacity to carry out legal transactions. The declaration is subject to the form required for the completion of the transaction to which the power of attorney refers. This form is understood to be a notarial deed or a private document.
There is the general power of attorney and the special (limited) power of attorney. Their distinction rises from the power given to the grantee. The general power of attorney in Greece is referred to any legal transaction, whereas the special power of attorney in Greece is referred to a specific type of action.
The institution of the power of attorney aims to serve the need for convenience and speed of the transactions with the representatives, in order to protect third parties who act in good faith.
It is worth mentioning that although the power of attorney in Greece aims to serve the need for convenience, it may be at the same time a dangerous document as it gives liberty to act in any way and there is danger for the grantor to be bound by the actions of the grantee if misused.